REC Net Membership Levels
Agency Membership
Bundle (up to 3 members) / Subscription period: 1 year / No automatically recurring payments.
Membership is geared towards executives, administrators, supervisors or educators employed in a resort or commercial recreation setting or related field. Agencies receive the privileges of three transferable professional memberships within the organization. Individual membership privileges may not be transferred outside the agency. Membership includes all rights including office holding and voting privileges.
Education Institution Membership
Bundle (up to 2 members) / Subscription period: 1 year / No automatically recurring payments.
Membership is geared towards one academic unit. Educational Institutions receive the privileges of two transferable professional memberships within the organization. Individual membership privileges may not be transferred outside the educational unit. Membership includes all rights including office holding and voting privileges.
*Educational Institution Memberships are inclusive of free Student/EP Membership enrollment for all students at that university/college through December 31, 2024.
Professional Membership
Subscription period: 1 year / No automatically recurring payments.
Membership is geared towards an Executive, Administrator, Supervisor or Educator employed in a commercial recreation setting or related field who approve and support the goals and purposes of the Association. This membership is a personal subscription and is transferrable with the individual if the member changes employment within the industry. Membership includes all rights
including office holding and voting privileges.
Student / Emerging Professional Membership
Subscription period: 1 year / No automatically recurring payments.
*Educational Institution Memberships are inclusive of free Student/EP Membership enrollment for all students at that university/college through December 31, 2024.
Membership is geared towards students and/or recent graduates (up to 2 years post-graduation) interested in the development of the recreation and leisure profession who support the goals and purposes of the Association. Emerging Professionals shall have all privileges of the Association except holding office and voting.
Vendor Membership
Company membership / Subscription period: 1 year / No automatically recurring payments.
Membership is geared towards any individual employed in the field of recreation, person employed by organizations engaged in promoting their products, and/or services and those who approve and support the goals and purposes of the Association. A Vendor Membership includes all rights including office holding and voting privilege.
Educator Membership
Educator Benefits
REC Net is an organization that understands University funding and the need for Educators to present and publish research on their way to tenure or promotion. REC Net also provides Educators assistance with student internship placement goals.
Emerging Professional
Emerging Professional Benefits
REC Net is an organization that prides itself on assisting undergraduate students in their search in job placement opportunities in the resort or commercial recreation/hospitality industry. REC Net also provides year-round networking and personal development at the National Conference. Here you will discover all of the year-round benefits you'll receive by becoming a member today!
Vendor Benefits
As a vendor member of REC Net , connect with managers and directors of resorts, campgrounds, private clubs, residential communities and cruise lines. In addition to our professional membership base, gain access to educational institutes and students around the country. Your products and programs can gain exposure in a multitude of outlets across the country.
Professional Benefits
REC Net is comprised of resort, campground, private club, residential community and cruise line recreation professionals. Our professional members are given access to year-round networking opportunities, a prestigious collegiate talent pool, and personalized connections with vendors.